He looked about my age, maybe a few years older in his late 20's. There was a man to the side of me looking up from his seat. Most of them were taking up way more room than necessary barely touching the other person. The train begins to move and I look around the cart at the other occupants. I begrudgingly take a standing spot towards the middle, holding on to one of the handle bars for support. To my dismay, all of the seats in the car are full during a time I want to be off my feet. I board the last subway car of the 2:30 train, my preference due to it typically having the least amount of people during this time of night. Unfortunately for me, our owner is a bit of a pervert and opted for shorter skirts and cropped collared tops instead of the knee length dresses. I work at an 80's themed diner which was fully committed to the theme down to the diner dress and little red heels. On Saturdays my manager made us stay late to deep clean the booths and tables at the restaurant I work at.